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I had a dream

Last night I woke up round 2am thinking to myself, "what the hell did I just dream". And honestly, struggled to go back to sleep, replaying the dream over and over in my head. As many of you know, I am fairly new in the party business, professionally. And have yet to do a wedding. Now this dream i had, was about me doing my first wedding. Which is alone, a pretty big deal. Unfortunately for me, and my dream world, things didn't go so well, and everything was a complete disaster. I clearly remember the theme of the wedding, gold, black and crystal. And to have such a bold scheme, it needs to be complete and perfect or it will look wierd and horrible. So being hired for this wedding, getting to the venue, trying to start up with the table decor, i then only realize that i forgot the table clothes!!! Argued with my husband to please fetch them, which he did. Lucky me?!.... but no its not over yet. As i started to set the tables, the guests started to arrive. And all i had done was place the table clothes and under plates! I get to the centerpieces, when the bride and groom came down the stairs! How embarrassing and horrible i felt! And then only noticed that there were no wine glasses or champagne glasses on any tables. And before the bride entered the dinning hall, I woke up! This to me would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me, on a business level! But atleast this was just a dream and atleast I got some new inspiration!

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